Michael Spinoglio (N7461674), DAB310

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Part C, final drawings and analysis

Cabin Design

From this analysis of site, exemplar architects design ethos and brief contraints the final set of drawings was created.

House as an environmental filter: The interplay of large glass windows, luvers and sliding/swivelling doors allows the cabin to make the most of the generous NE opening, utilising the cool summer breezes and warm winter sun.  the placement of wooden batons along the upper story balconies allows the occupant the choice of harnessing the elements or blocking them out.  Placement of windows running from the NE corner to the SW allows for effective cross ventilation through the house when opened up, running through all the major living spaces.  The lack of windows to the SE protects against the extreme climatic conditions along the rear of the house, the concrete facade also protecting the entrance from such extremes.

House as a container of human activities: The segregation of public and private spaces within this house is a key design influence in the room placements, with all primary public spaces such as living, dining, food preparation and general storage placed on the ground floor, private spaces such as the bedroom and work space are played along the upper floor.  The only deviation to this is the toilet which is placed on the second floor near the bedroom, however its isolation from the other spaces ensues it does not encroach upon the more private spaces.  the use of an open plan interior downstairs, with the exteriors grass flowing into the interior dining space creates an expansive dining and function area when opened up to the outside.  The long hallway acts as an arterial runway, connecting all the major spaces within the house on each level.  Upon the second floor decks expand off the private work and bedroom, affording an area for perusing the park and surrounds, additionally the baton work along the NE corner has a small nook built into it, providing a quiet space for reflection. The hallway running along the southern side of the interior works as a insulator against the flats to the south, providing a sound and vision block to these units, in addition the house ground the house is on has been raised and impressive concrete walls playfully arrayed around the building, providing privacy against the encroaching bike path and development.

A house as a delightful experience: Upon entering the house the viewer is welcomed by the stunning 11m hallway, with light piercing through the side walls, providing a stunning entrance to the ground floor space.  The integration of grass growing from the exterior to the interior dining space provides a connection with the outside world, which when opened up through the multitude of swiveling doors provides a large open dining area.  The windows capture the beauty of the parks rolling green vistas, careful placement of baton work and site arrangement blocking out the noises and sites of the suburbia that surrounds.  The opening in the upstairs floor allows the occupant to observe and communicate with those below from the work or bedroom, tying these two levels together and creating a sense of intimacy throughout the cabin.

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